Monday, October 7, 2013

#THERETURNISHERE# Derrick Rose is back! Full highlights vs. Pacers 10/5/2013

What a great way to begin my blogging career here at 4thQuarterHoops by showcasing the highlights of my favorite NBA player Derrick Rose. If you are a fan of Rose or the Bulls then you know that this has been a very long time coming but the wait is finally over! ##THERETURNISHERE## Like many people I was dismayed at the fact that he didn’t ##RETURN## last season after undergoing a successful ACL surgery. However, I unlike most pundits didn’t compare his return to Adrian Peterson’s amazing exploits in the NFL. I was waiting and waiting and I thought after the Bulls defeated the Brooklyn Nets during the first round of the 2013 NBA Playoffs that Rose was definitely going to play against their arch-nemesis the Miami Heat.

There were so many things said in the media coming from his camp and the Bulls GM that made me think that they weren’t on the same page. What bothered me most regarding his comeback timetable” was that he hinted that it was up to “God” basically telling him when he was able to return to action. Also when he stated that he’s not coming back until he was 110% I was livid over that statement.  I saw him working out before game, I saw him dunking, I saw his improved shooting mechanics and I even saw him explode off the ball. But that's in the past; it’s of no consequence today and has no bearing on his future. Now we finally get to see the player whom I regard as pound-for-pound the best player /athlete in the NBA.

The question was would he still be able to showcase his Jordan-like forays to the basket, would he still be able to blow by defenders off the dribble like Iverson and weave through defenders with those supreme fast-twitch fibers on display like a prime Vick. Prior to the game Rose stated that the main reason he didn’t return during last year’s playoffs was that he knew that he was capable of blowing by one defender but not two, which is important given the type of defense that teams would try to attack him with.  Once he was able to get past two defenders he knew he was ready thus the anticipation for his first pre-season game was of epic proportions. Watching him play on Saturday night it was as if he had never left! Everything was there minus his timing and the absence of his jump shot but those things will come.

 When he drove to the rack against Roy Hibbert (who saw massive gains during the summer and is now reportedly 295 pounds ) and attacked his frame, missed the shot then out muscled  the rest of the Pacers’ front court for a  put back rebound I knew he was back. From then on he made the same type of plays which lead him to become the youngest MVP in NBA history. I didn’t expect him to play that hard and the game was played with an almost playoff like atmosphere. That’s how much pressure Rose puts on the NBA defenses. Rose like any other NBA player could injure himself again but barring that happening I think he will prove all doubters especially those at ESPN, CBSsports and Sports Illustrated who all have him ranked outside the top 10 in their annual list of the top 100 wrong. Derrick Rose is back and that is a major problem for the NBA.