Monday, December 30, 2013

White Men Can Jump and Miles Plumlee also proves he can play very well!


 Coming out of Duke nobody really expected much out of Miles Plumlee. He had a very, very lackluster career in college. However, during the summer after he got drafted by the Pacers with the 26th pick in the first round I was privy to see his NBA combine measurements where he boasted a 40 inch vertical leap. Now a 40 inch vert is very impressive. To show you how impressive a 40 inch vertical leap is neither John Wall(39' inch) nor Dwayne Wade(36.5' inch) posted a 40' inch inch vert during the combine and both of those guys are two of the NBA's best leapers. So for a guy who stands 7 feet tall to have a 40 inch leap is astonishing and very rare. To put it in perspective of how mind-boggling that is let me  show you a pic of one of the most celebrate high-flyers in NBA history:

 This is the Shawn Kemp aka the Reign Man with his head clearly above the rim and his arms extended so far you'd think that he could almost touch the top of the backboard. Like Miles, Kemp too boasted a 40' inch vertical but look at this picture and imagine Kemp 3 more inches in the air because Kemp was only 6'10 and Miles is 7 feet! so that right there alone shows the potential athletically that he possesses and this year thus far he has no disappointed. Beyond his leaping ability he has obviously worked very hard during the summer and has added a legitimate post game to his arsenal and displays a reliable mid range shot as well. In college he was a good rebounder and that has translated to the NBA but he has also shown that he has the tools to be one of the best shot blockers in the NBA as well. Looking at his stats this year I'd definitely give him my vote as the NBA's  MIP (Most Improved Player) a quarter into the season:
  1. Per Game  
    2012-13 24 IND NBA C 14 0 3.9 0.4 1.5 .238 0.0 0.0
    0.4 1.5 .238 0.2 0.3 .750 0.9 0.7 1.6 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.9
    2013-14 25 PHO NBA C 29 29 28.0 4.6 8.7 .522 0.0 0.0
    4.6 8.7 .522 1.0 2.3 .455 2.9 6.3 9.2 0.6 0.6 1.8 1.5 2.6 10.1

    Per 36 Minutes
    2012-13 24 IND NBA C 14 0 55 3.3 13.7 .238 0.0 0.0
    3.3 13.7 .238 2.0 2.6 .750 7.9 6.5 14.4 1.3 0.0 2.0 2.0 3.3 8.5
    2013-14 25 PHO NBA C 29 29 813 5.8 11.2 .522 0.0 0.0
    5.8 11.2 .522 1.3 2.9 .455 3.7 8.1 11.8 0.7 0.8 2.3 1.9 3.4 13.0
So with a 18-11 record  Mile Plumlee has paid off dividends for the Suns this year and has shown to be one of the most promising up and coming center in the NBA. And a 40' inch vert definitely helps because no other center in the NBA touch his "cloud!" 

Monday, December 23, 2013

What does a 48 inch vertical leap look like? Peep the video!



I'm not sure if  MJ really had a 48 inch vertical leap which he was reported to have. However, I have seen players jump higher than him but I have still haven't  seen anyone that can get as much "air time" as MJ.  It was like he could float or walk on air in the way his body contorted or the ways he could sway his legs in a way that made is seem like he was literally flying. These dunks are simple but at the same time very hard to do in terms of their degree of difficulty. I don't think there's anybody in the college or the NBA today with this much "hang time!"


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Kobe puts Jordan in his place!

I'm so glad Kobe Bryant responded to Michael Jordan's assessment that Kobe stole all of his moves. In the article is states:
Bryant joined Big Boy’s Neighborhood on Power 106 FM and was asked about Jordan’s comment about stealing moves:

“I’m a student of the game, you know, so I know the history; I know where Michael’s moves came from,” said Bryant about stealing moves. “I know they came from David Thompson. I know they came from Dr. J. I know they came from, in particular, Jerry West. So Michael didn’t invent the wheel. He stole a lot of moves from a lot of great players.
“I just so happened to steal some moves from him, and I just probably stole them better than anybody else has. You have to learn from the greats that came before you, that’s how it should be done.

As a student and historian of the game, I absolutely agree with Kobe. There was nothing Jordan really did in terms of  innovation say for a few moves like his backwards lay-ups where he would draw contact and spin with his back towards the basket and clap his hands together while the ball went in and Jordan was the first guard to really develop most of the post moves from the block which exists today but he didn't invent post play from a guard. Other than that everything he did we saw before more or less.  If you combined Dr.J with David Thompson and Jerry West you would have Michael Jordan. Jumping from the free-throw line, reverse lay-ups, scoop shots, the ability to sky-walk  and the ability to change his shot in the air were moves that Dr.J was doing 20 years to 30 years before Jordan. Especially the ABA version of Dr.J when he was  the undisputed  best basketball player in the world, a multiple champion and MVP.But nobody scolds or demeans Jordan for walking in Dr.J's shadow especially earlier in his career the way people hate on Kobe for taking away from a player he idolizes and reveres.

The ABA version of Dr.J is where Jordan got his ability to change his shot and improvise in the air because they both had those huge hands that allowed them to have "hang time" but  the "Doctor" is the originator of "hang time!"

David Thompson taught MJ how to truly "sky-walk" and Jordan "stole" David Thompson's triple-threat jab step move which Jordan used to "massacre" opposing defenders from 1984 to 1989(sic)! 

And as you can see Jerry West was the first SG to be a lights out shooter and scorer as evidence by his career 27 ppg average. He had the ability to back his back down his defender and shoot the fade away jumper, or up-and-under shot, or spin jumper and he mastered the one/two dribble pull-up decades before Jordan! West masteredthe art of the mid-range game of which Jordan would eventually become known for as the greatest. West was also known as the premier defender at the SG position where he had the ability to shut down opposing guards and had an uncanny ability to dominate the passing lanes for steals and use his long arms to strip the ball from opposing ball handlers and block their shots from behind. West was so skillful and masterful that Jordan's silhouette is the Jumpman logo but West is the Logo of the NBA! He is the word made flesh! West also sported a reported 37 inch vertical had a 6'9 wingspan and was actually 6'4 1'2 so he was a very, very, good athlete.

Jordan is the greatest SG of all-time in terms of stats and his accomplishments but in terms of being a student of the game Kobe mastered Jordan's style and added to it. I don't think there has ever been a guard with as many moves as Kobe. When Kobe came into the NBA he had a developing post game by his second year in the NBA. It took Jordan almost 4 to 5 years to really develop his post game. Kobe definitely has a tighter handle than Jordan had and from 1997 to 2006 was one of the greatest acrobats the game has ever seen. So of course Kobe "stole" some of Jordan's moves but why not learn from the best? I hope today's SG's like Demar Derozan or James Harden "steal" some of Kobe's moves and learn the art of the mid-range game because love him or hate him, copy cat or not when Kobe is gone the NBA is going to miss him terribly. Kobe is the only NBA player that I can honestly say that any young kid coming up no matter what position they play whether they be a PG or C can learn something from watching Kobe's game. He is arguably the most skilled basketball player of all-time and that includes Magic, West, Jordan, Maravich, James, Bird and Olajuwon.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Kobe Bryant torches the Bobcats while Jordan looks on!


The greatest 21 points  and 8 dimes that you will EVER see! I believe Kobe is not human, rather, like B-Hop he's an alien! What a great way to showcase your talent by beating the Bobcats in epic Kobe fashion while Jordan painfully watches from the sky box! People love to compare Kobe to Jordan but like I always say Jordan is like Optimus Prime and Kobe is like Rodimus Prime. Who is better between the two is irrelevant because they are both PRIMES!Kobe Bryant has mastered the game of basketball. for him to be able to move like this at his age coming of an achilles tendon injury is an emphatic feat! of skill, supreme twitch fibers and intestinal fortitude!

Friday, December 13, 2013

LeMarcus Aldrige's 31 points and 25 rebounds leads Blazers past the Rockets!!!



LaMarcus Aldrige has been playing wonderful this season and much to my surprise has been very dedicated to hitting the  boards this year. I always knew he could score 20 to 30 points on any  given night but the fact that he only averages 7.9 rebounds per game for his career was the biggest knock I had on him considering his talent. This year he has boosted his rebound total to 10.6 per game and subsequently the Blazers have been looking like a championship caliber team thus far early in the season!

Monday, December 9, 2013

The Mamba Strikes Again!!!

##The Legend Continues!##

Kobe Bryant, one of the game's greatest players, one of it' most fiercest competitors returned to action last night after suffering from an achilles heel injury. Many naysayers predicated that his legacy was done,  that his career was finished but they were wrong! He's back! Last night he looked rusty but considering this is his first in-game action since last season that's to be expected. The positives are that his IQ is still in tact and his skills are still sharp. I'd say we have to give him about 20 games before he can round into shape but the main point is it's exciting seeing him on the court period especially with all the injuries that have happened to major stars during this season thus far! Welcome back Kobe!