Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Brandon Jennings has SOOO MUCH STYLE but he is sooo INCONSISTENT!


If Compton, CA, bred Brandon Jennings in terms of  his game could be compared to a rap song I’d have to compare it to the Dogg Pound’ s classic , “Sooo Much Style!” This guy has incredible talent but he hasn’t been able to harness it and be consistent. Brandon Jennings is the type of player where when you check the box score one night and he has 34 points and 8 assists then the next night he goes 3-for-17 and finishes the game with 10 points and 5 dimes. In high school he was basically christened as a left handed version of Allen Iverson. They both are of similar size and quiet as kept Jennings probably has a 40+ inch vertical leap like Iverson but you would never know unless you watched him in high school because he doesn't use it to his advantage.

So that goes to say he doesn’t maximize his talent. I remember when he scored 55 points during his rookie season against the Golden State Warriors and the Bucks won the game. After his incredible performance he had publicly stated that he wasn’t going to score like that anymore because he wants to be known as a guy who can distribute the ball and get his team involved. Now I can understand if the Bucks had lost the game but they won. And why in the world would you want to “dumb down” your game if you are not then going to at least average 10+ assists per game which is a feat he hasn’t even come close to!  After he said that to me it presented e red flag and he’s proved me true since then by his “burst and burn” type of pay! For example during this game he outplayed reigning ROY Damian Lillard another very promising PG but the reality is that Damian Lillard will probably end up having a better season and this is the case with Brandon and most of the guards he faces on a nightly basis.

Even this article presents a problem with his identity as a player. To quote, “That's one thing me and Joe talked about," Jennings said. "That was my first problem in the beginning, when I came back, trying to please everybody, trying to make sure I was being a pass-first point guard instead of just playing basketball!”- Brandon Jennings. I imagined that after leaving the Bucks and coming to Detroit and playing with the likes of Monroe, Smith, Stuckey, Billups and Andre the “Giant” Drummond which is a better supporting cast he would really blossom but after three straight loses he is tampering with is style of play again! I wish for his sake he would just make up his mind and stick with a consistent style of play because he has too much talent because their aren’t 10 point guards in the NBA that were born with more natural talent than Jennings and it’s about time he shows that in the NBA and not just during the summer street ball tournaments where his “true” talent is always on display.  

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